For Business | ShiftAside

Offer your employees a self-guided app to tackle depression

Did you know even MILD depression significantly impacts healthcare costs, productivity and sick leave?

It's today's hidden giant.


Depression Impacts 30% of Adults

and is an underlying issue for costly conditions

(Centers for Disease Control)



Depression is associated with an 81% increased risk of developing heart attacks and other forms of cardiovascular diseases

(Nicholson, 2006)


Depression has been shown to increase the risk of developing diabetes by 60%

(Meta Analysis, 6,916 patients | Mezuk, 2008)


Back Pain


Depression Causes Chronic low back pain

The most costly workers compensation injury

(NIH, CDC, Marcum 2017)

Not sure if it impacts your organization?

Even MILD depression is a massive drain on your bottom line

each employee, even with mild depression, costs your organization annually

4 weeks



4.5 weeks
of decreased productivity (presenteeism)



8.5 weeks
drain on payroll

ShiftAside Depression with the research-proven plan

we offer your employees a safe, stigma-free way to access support



84% of depressed participants significantly improved shortly after starting ShiftAside's 21-session plan


99% of participants reported statistically significant mood improvement on most days


One of the few evidence-based Mental Health Apps."

Dr. Dean Gene, Physician
Medical Director for Liberty Mutual



ShiftAside Leverages cutting-edge research in a user-friendly way


App on phone in hand
ShiftAside is based on the highest quality research dating back to 1927

ShiftAside Experience Includes:

  • 21-sessions of lessons & activities to effectively combat depression/depressive feelings
  • Strategies to tackle motivation, be productive and feel better for less than 20 min/day
  • Text and email reminders to stay on track
  • Tailored exercises can be done at home with no special equipment.
    The exercises are led by a certified fitness instructor. Our advanced athlete is a 3x Olympian, and our beginner is just that...a beginner :)
  • Access to Shiftaside account on ANY device.
Phone with text message

Drive employee engagement

with well-timed texts and emails

Understand How employees are doing

with de-identified, aggregated information

Number of employees in the journey and at what stage

Number of employees in the journey and at what stage

Average Pre & Post Mood ratings

Average Pre & Post Mood ratings

Average Depression Scores Over Experience

Average Depression Scores Over Experience