An effective way to better handle the demands of the job-on your own terms
ShiftAside works with fire and task force agencies
I find the ShiftAside application to be a perfectly convenient and effective tool for behavioral health. Uniquely, it allows the user to be better able to face life's challenges through its ability to establish or strengthen emotional and mental resilience. I appreciate the methodology, and I trust that it encourages the development of a personal skill set that will help our rescue personnel thrive and remain healthy.
The convenience and applicability of the content encourages users to access the program whereas traditional methods are sometimes onerous and not a good fit. The proactive feel of the ShiftAside application also sets it apart in terms of focusing on mental health.
Bryan Case
Program Manager, Division Chief
- Scientific review of over 2,200 clinical trials
- Implemented over 100 years of research of what has been proven to work best on depression, PTSD, and anxiety
- 99% of Users Experienced Mood Improvement on Most Days
Your job demands a lot
Learn scientifically proven strategies to better mitigate stress and mental fatigue through short, engaging sessions.
What First Responder’s say
ShiftAside stands as a sanctuary for first responders grappling with anxiety, depression or PTSD challenges. By safeguarding privacy, it ensures anonymity throughout the journey. ShiftAside grants the individual to reclaim their well-being, with the assurance that their struggles are acknowledged and supported, devoid of empowers me to excel as an officer, a person, and a family man.
-Greg, Police Officer
I’ve been organically recommending [ShiftAside]...which speaks to the program. I am not going to recommend something that I don’t think will be helpful.
-Dave, Firefighter
I loved the alerts and gentle reminders to keep me going.
-Andrew, Paramedic
I think of it as setting aside my shift to take care of myself. It’s helped give me a new perspective.
-Gabe, US Marine